WIS-130 over Wisconsin River
This project is the first design build project in Wisconsin. It replaces three functionally obsolete and structurally deficient truss bridges, constructed in the 1940s, carrying WS-130 over the Wisconsin River, approximately 50 miles west of Madison.
The project proposes two new bridges to carry WS-130 on a new alignment approximately 1000’ from the existing. The new bridges include – a 920’ long PPC-beam bridge over the main river channel (South Bridge) and a 1,100’ long PPC-beam bridge over the side channel (North Bridge).
Vinod was Lead Structural Engineer for all structures during the bid proposal phase and was responsible for proposing several Alternate Technical Concepts (ATCs) to improve designs and reduce costs. During the final design and construction phase, he was Lead Structural Engineer and EOR for the bridge over the main river channel.

Photo: WisDOT

Credit: EXP

Photos of the South Bridge, featuring 153' long PPC beam spans, hammerhead piers, and the 33' tall South Abutment situated on steep river bluff susceptible to scour.
The pier foundations were designed to ensure stability of the bridge in the scoured condition. Stream bed migration and contraction contributed to a total design scour of up to 30 ft. in some areas. The foundations included a mixture of battered and vertical piles, fixed into the pier footings, evaluated for sway buckling and second-order effects.

Photo: Kraemer NA

Photo: Kraemer NA
South Abutment
The 32 ft. tall south abutment, which was situated on the steeply sloping bluff, consisting of shallow bedrock made of fractured and very weak sandstone. The abutment required a creative solution featuring a sheetpile dead-man system with CIP waler and prestressed tie-back anchors. This minimized the foundation footprint amid the highly variable rock profile.

Photo: Kraemer NA

Photo: Kraemer NA

Photo: Kraemer NA

Photo: Kraemer NA

Photo: Kraemer NA